Thursday 24 November 2011

My sanctuary

There is something about the aroma of fresh books that’s totally intoxicating. In books, you shall find inner peace.  Rachel Kadish said, "Books. People have no idea how beautiful books are. How they taste on your fingers. How bright everything is when you light it with words."

Sunday 20 November 2011

Things I am thankful for..

Delicious Beverage
 Who doesn't give their self a treat after a looooong tedious hard days? Of course, everybody does! So be thankful with this kind of small joys! Cheap-thrills or Expensive, it doesn't matter as long as it makes your day and money worth it! :)
The sun is up, the sky is blue.. It's so beautiful and so are you! Isn't it lovely when you are watching a sunset over the ocean? God, you're amazing!
I really adore trees. They're just.. lovely to hear! Gently swaying in the breeze.. We all know that trees play an important role in our weather and climate. Thank you God, for giving such wonderful gifts! (Oh by the way, I was still in high school in that picture and the amazing woman in the universe beside me! Hi mom!)
I have that giddy feelings when it comes to roadtrips!!! Man, I love taking roadtrips with my family! Taking pictures, seeing a lot of nice places and beautiful people. (Yes! That's my father driving. and my mother on the other side, me and my sister.. the usual! at the back seat!)
                                                                        NICE PEOPLE
Actually, there are a lot of nice people in my life right now. This picture was taken when we're all on our break and some of my friends were missing in action that time.. so yeah. Aside from my family, they're the best! (credits to my friend, Alana for the picture.)
As the saying goes, a mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Indeed, the world is just so beautiful to live in. This was taken in Mati, Philippines. It is actually the so-called-secret-island. White sand, vivid water, green mountains, what more could you ask for? :)
What else could  make you feel so good? Aaaaaahh, everything seems to be perfectly meaningful in my life right now. Sometimes, you have to let yourself give what your stomach's desire.Ohh I love God! :)
Crazy over John Mayer's music. What can I say! Hmmmm.. words are not enough to describe John Mayer's artistic character and unique music.
No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich. I love my dogs so much. Just so you know, dogs gives you intense joy! :)
 And lastly.......
Why am I thankful for myself? Because as time goes on, I have started to appreciate the little things in life more! :)

Purple and Green hope

My aorta tells how much I love South Korea and tells how much I love the universe. There's nothing I couldn't ask If God will grant my dreams for the years to come.
(Wait.. Is the background song of this video.. Arirang? Well If it is, I just remembered..that we sang this in high school! Oh well good times!)

Wednesday 9 November 2011

First Semester Experiences

I have always looked at life as an exciting adventure. Ever since I graduated in high school, life has held a great excitement for me. I have been full of dreams. Dreams of leaving my country to go abroad. Dreams of achieving anything that is meaningful and worthwhile.

Having been accepted by the school, I started college. In the First Semester, I was not prepared for the difficult period of adjustment in college. However, I soon became so encouraged with myself and so satisfied with my studies that I was on the point of living my life to the fullest.I admit, some days for me was really hard. There was a time when I was so tired of adjusting, moving and changing my new career in life. But I know, time will heal all this. I can't wait for God to make things happen. I have to make things happen! One day is happiness and the next day is sorrow. Life's cycle, it's always the same pattern. Hence, I took those problems as challenges. There's nothing wrong with the people around me, they're great. I've learned many things from them. I am glad to have a lot of lovely people around me everytime. We do a lot of fun stuffs from time to time. They're not boring. They are happy people. People in my college are happy and fun people so no surprise about that.

What else I have to say? I've learned a lot of things about my course. Thank God! I was in a right track. My decisions were just absolutely perfect. No regrets. There were things that I wasn't really used to but, hey, I'm trying! College life is way way too different from tertiary level. From the schedule down to the people whom you're meeting everyday. It's funny how things work out, in spite of my busy career.I am also grateful of my teachers. Even if sometimes, you really hate the fact that they are giving you a hard time in your studies. But still, they're the best! They provide you the things that you want to learn. I was so blessed because I have teachers who's really thoughtful, kind, and patient.

Basically, I've been having a lot of stress and fun but the fun part is greater. I'm still the same old cramming student but a bit has changed. Nothing much to say about that anymore but I do love what I am taking up right now. I am living the life! First Semester was fun and fun more to come! But I am really serious with my studies now compared to before.

I am not blogging from my day-to-day college life here. I am more on what I have basically experienced. But one things for sure, I've learned that everyone is different. And that what makes the world go round. We can't be the same. Even twins are different. We all have our different characteristics, point of views and etc's. We can't stand on the same boat all together or else the boat will sink. It's not a perfect world after all.